Definder - what does the word mean?

What is geniosity?

To generous and a genius. I.e. to share geniousity with those around you.

she demonstrated great geniosity.

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geniosity - meme gif

geniosity meme gif

geniosity - video


Geniosity - what is it?

The affliction that causes you to know recently learned facts with great stability, yet offer them up in a manner that resembles babble sans drooling.

Donald Trump stated he had recently learned that he had won Wisconsin when even Ronald Reagan could not despite "running the table" while onlookers surmised that spelling Wisconsin "M I N N E S O T A" was a product of his stable geniosity.

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What does "geniosity" mean?

Generous amounts of genius ideas provided to a peer.

Your welcome for that geniosity.

Thanks for the geniosity.

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Geniosity - what does it mean?

An idiot. More so like a dickhead or retard.

After the movie, My dad spilled pop on my shirt. I said "Your such a Geniosity!"

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Geniosity - meaning

- when doing things out of stupidity and no where near having a genius mind.

Tati: Hey! What the heck are you doing?

Ricardo: Burning my finger with the flame...

Tati: You and your acts of geniosity!

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Geniosity - definition

a word for the measurement of intelligence

Seth Cook, has loads of geniosity

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Geniosity - slang

when you do something of genius proportions and barry and emmet simultaniasly came up with the word

thats geniosity

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An occurance in which an amazing idea is thought up by two or more individuals at the same time. Such an event is usually accompanied by the exclamation of, "Geniosity!"

Jimmy was thinking about how he hadn't eaten all day and was considering getting some bean burritos when Brandon asked if he wanted to go get some Taco Bell, to which Jimmy replied, "Geniosity! I was just thinking of Taco Bell!"

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An asinine idea that is perceived as brilliant.

Plugging the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill with America's republican tea party members is pure geniosity.

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Genious-level intellect.

Do you doubt my geniosity?

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