Definder - what does the word mean?

What is garu?

If it's easy for someone who has that experience, then it must be easy for you, who has no experience in that field whatsoever.

Person 1: this level is too hard
Person 2: It was easy for me, just use Garu
Person 1:...Excuse me, the FU-

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garu - meme gif

garu meme gif

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Garu - what is it?

An animal close to humans who is werewolf by some terms born with its gift of becoming wolf at around childhood when it pleases so living in packs of familys and hiding from man some wolves lack the changing ability but have the pentigram mark on their palms and are killed like any other creature not just by silver but with much more difficulty.

I wanted to find my own kind the Lupe Garu.

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What does "garu" mean?

An insult/phrase used by middle schoolers. Word originated from Indian descent. You can use it in Xbox gamertags such as YouGaru or as a Critical Ops name like IcyGaru. Word dies after a week but is still used by the OG's.

Akshay, why are you such a garu

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Garu - what does it mean?

A mess.

James: C'mon man, clean up your garu!
Charlie: No u

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Garu - meaning

A guy who just can't admit that he loves Pucca.

Garu: For the last time, I DO NOT LOVE PUCCA!

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