Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gap moe?

When a character's contradictory characteristics make them likeable

MC: Jumin, what are you doing?
Jumin: ... I'm playing Neko Atsume
MC: You are always so serious and you suddenly play cute games? That's so gap moe!

👍1827 👎73

gap moe - video


Gap moe - what is it?

Gap Moe is when a character does something completely contradictory to what their usual habits/personality/character/appearence dictates.

AnimeSukiUser said:
Yup, for the gap effect to work, you have to see the person in a completely different light that you never expected.

gosh Jumin Han is such a gap moe. like does Jumin Han even gay?

👍1003 👎75