Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gag fucked?

when a guy shits in your mouth and puts his dick in your mouth. After you start to gag on the shit and his jizz. This here looks a lot like chocolate and vanilla icing.

This weekend me and my boyfriend got bored so we gag fucked :)

👍49 👎81

gag fucked - video


Gag fucked - what is it?

when a guy forcefully makes a women deep throught his donk till she gags there for knowen as gag fucking

man: yeah bitch gag on that shit
women: wait..*gag* ...
man:oooh yeah thats the shit

3 cheers for gag fucking

👍253 👎111

What does "gag fucked" mean?

when a man forcefully shoves his cock down a girls throat till she gags and makes you cum down her throat

matt: I gag fucked a girl the other day.
evan: sweeeeeet!

matt: you like that?!

👍39 👎21