Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fwbrent?

A god

Fwbrent is a god

👍63 👎299

fwbrent - video


Fwbrent - what is it?

Fwbrent has good taste he thinks mha is the best new gen

fwbrentpulls lots of women

👍59 👎159

What does "fwbrent" mean?

some bozo who thinks his new pfp is peak

fwbrent:" hi im a bozo who changed his pfp from mid to garbage"

👍113 👎49

Fwbrent - what does it mean?

a fucking eren pfp who only misses

"whos that kid with no father? oh that's fwbrent"

👍187 👎19

Fwbrent - meaning

Some gay mf that thinks aot is the best thing ever created

Fwbrent : Hi I'm that gay mf that thinks aot is the best thing ever created

👍853 👎37