Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fungicide?

the act or an instance of a fungi taking its own life voluntarily and intentionally

When he just couldn't take it anymore Bill the mushroom committed fungicide

👍25 👎11

fungicide - meme gif

fungicide meme gif

fungicide - video


Fungicide - what is it?

the act or an instance of a fungi taking its own life voluntarily and intentionally

When he just couldn't take it anymore Bill the mushroom committed fungicide

👍25 👎11

What does "fungicide" mean?

A drug that kills fungus. Used for itches on human feet and itches on cats. Or could imply that the owner of such a prescription has hygiene problems.

I found a tube of fungicide in my new girlfriend's medicine cabinet! Now I don't know what she's crawling with!

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