Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fumigating?

Extremely angry or bitter

The things he said to me made me feel very fumigated.

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Fumigating - what is it?

A fart that moves up through your clothes and to your nose instantaneously

Alex: OMG bro I just farted. It left my butthole and hit my nostrils within a second.

Matt: Oh shit bro. I smell it too. You must be practicing Krolov’s Fumigation technique.

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What does "fumigating" mean?

The intentional release of a fart into a cloth covered cushion, chair, couch, car seat, mattress, etc. by way of breaking the Fart Injection Threshold for the purpose of filling it with your personal brand of fart.

1. Excuse me Leroy, if you don't stop using Fart Fumigation in my gamer chair, you won't be allowed to come over and play Super Nintendo with me anymore.

2. Mother, Akeem Fart Fumigated my stuffed giraffe again. Now it smells like moldy nachos!

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Fumigating - what does it mean?

1. Smelling extremely bad.
2. Extremely angry

Can be used as both meanings simultaneously. See example.

If you fall into a dumpster you will be fumigous

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Fumigating - meaning

Extremely angry, upset, or focused

Sometimes I get really fumigated for the wrong reasons

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Fumigating - definition

(verb) The act of releasing B.O. and or farting infront of a fan or airvent blowing air onto a crowd of people in an inclosed space.

What the hell is that smell? Did some asshole fumigate in here!?

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Fumigating - slang

to fart in a tightly enclosed space while in the company of others who cannot easily leave

Carl was fumigating the car with his stench all the way to Jersey.

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