Definder - what does the word mean?

What is full days?

Full send everything that you do all day!!
From: 12:00AM-12:00AM

On: December 5

Every Year

If someone tells you to do something for fun, then you have to full send it and do it.



National Full Send Day: Means to be committed to what you do all day long.

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full days - video

Full days - what is it?

August 1st, where everyone needs to full send it

โ€œBro itโ€™s national Full Send Day you have to come throughโ€

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What does "full days" mean?

National full send day is were there are no half sends just full sends this day takes place on may 1

National Full send day isnโ€™t just 4 words itโ€™s an attitude

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Full days - what does it mean?

On sep 20 everything shall be a full send no half sends only full

NAtional full send day so FUCKING SEND IT

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Full days - meaning

Full Homo Day is a day where whatever you do, itโ€™s full homo.

โ€œJames whyโ€™d you touch my buttโ€
โ€œItโ€™s full homo dayโ€

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Full days - definition

- october 25th

- everything will be super gay today and itโ€™s a perfect chance for everyone to get a gay pass

- you could also confess your feelings and if youโ€™re rejected use full homo day as an excuse

full homo day:

bro, since itโ€™s full homo day i wanna let you know that i love you

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Full days - slang

It means 24 inch wheels or rims. Becuase of 24/7, being 24 as a full hour'd day, and 24 inches as such.

"Full days rollin, block patrollin and glock holdin........"

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