Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fucking Horse?

the act of sexual intercourse in such an extreme and brutal manner that it is reminiscent of the shameless, horrible, bucking, snorting, hair pulling, biting style in which equines mate.

Ned: Hey dude, did ya get laid?
Ed: Due, I was horse fucking that bitch til she was ripped apart, screaming in agony, and still begging for more. I don't make love, my dorky friend, I horse fuck 'em.

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fucking Horse - video


Fucking Horse - what is it?

A subject which is a complete cum dumpster; a person deserving of severe anal rampage from a horse; a douchebag; Sam

You were such a Horse fuck last night

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What does "fucking Horse" mean?

being fucked over by a group that is more powerful than you so you have no control over what happens and are powerless to stop whatever pain and misery "they" feel like inflicting...almost as if you were getting fucked by a horse.

Payroll decided they just didn't feel like reviewing my timeslips. I am so sick and tired of getting horse fucked by those assholes.

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Fucking Horse - what does it mean?

You couldnt if you tried

m8 i told barry to go fuck a horse yesterday but he went for a beer instead

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Fucking Horse - meaning

The phrase "fuck your horse" is used when someone tramples over you by a indestructable horse in battlefield 1.

Nigga "fuck your horse" .

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Fucking Horse - definition

a term usually used instead of fuck him/her. or when you just kicked the shit out of something. after exclaiming that you have done so it would be followed buy "and then i fucked it/his/her horse."

"that guy is such a doucher. fuck his horse."
"dude screw that guy. lets fuck his horse."
"man i beat the hell out of that kid. and then i fucked his horse."

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Fucking Horse - slang

One of those rare insults, that can and will no matter how you say it, have a very harsh inflection on the word HORSE. try it now say in angry voice " Go fuck a horse "
and horse comes out like you mean it. now say it in a happy voice. Same inflection.

Due to all this awesomeness of the phrase "Go Fuck A Horse " it is considered in part, as the second best inflective insult, after PRICK.

bah, i told Big Larry to Go Fuck A Horse in my joking voice and he beat the shit out of me

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Fucking Horse

An inability to attract and seduce women which leads to the person fucking a horse instead. Another name for dying alone

β€œBro, Erik struck out 3 times at the bar last night”, β€œI know, he’s definitely gonna end up fucking the horse”

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Fucking Horse

Also, "f-ing the horse."

1. An expression used to define something detrimental to someone's career or livelihood.

2. Any action that has a harmful effect on oneself or others around them.

Taken from Daniel Radcliff's decision to star in London's revival of Equus, a play about a teenager with a sexual attraction to horses, causing parents to refuse to see any more of the Harry Potter movies in protest.

Howard Dean totally fucked the horse when he screamed during campaign season.

Tim was f-ing the horse when he decided not to go to class at all senior year.

Stacy's decision to pose for Playboy while on American Idol was really fucking the horse; it ruined her chances of staying on the show.

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Fucking Horse

This web site.

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