Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck my tits?

To be very drunk. Derived from various English and American slang terms for drunkenness.

Jane: "Did you have many drinks today?"
Brandon: "Hell yeah, I am pissed fucked off my hammer tits!"

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fuck my tits - video


Fuck my tits - what is it?

An exclamation expressing extreme disappointment in the most serious degree.

"Hey man, your bus just left without you! You're going to get fired yo!"

"Well shit on my fucking tits!"

👍29 👎13

What does "fuck my tits" mean?

Exclamation marking profound emotion. Commonly applied to situations involving:

1) Exasperation or stress
2) Near-orgasmic satisfaction with life

1) "Fucking orgo test tomorrow and I haven't even begun memorizing my hundred characters for Intensive Introduction to Chinese.... Holy shit, AND a paper on goddamned T.S. Elliot. Fuck my tits, Matt. Fuck my tits."

2) "OMG I just had Chipotle after three months of abstinence. Fuck my tits fuck my tits fuck my tits."

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