Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck me band?

These bracelets have been around for years, from when I was a kid.. I have an 8 year old friend now who loves them to death.. She wants a whole lot up her arm.. I only wear purple and black, because they are my fav colours.

I know Black means Fucking, but Purple.. I have no idea.. No one is going to break mine, and if they do, they can go buy me more!!

👍75 👎57

fuck me band - video


Fuck me band - what is it?

Bracelets that you snap and perfrom sexual actions.
Black= hardcore
Blue=blow job
Clear= what ever you want
Yellow= hug
White=flash you tits
Glow in the drak= use sex toys
Brown= toss my salad

He snapped my blue braclet and i gave him a blow job.

👍155 👎31

What does "fuck me band" mean?

The blue things in soft drink bottle lids that can be cut and stretched into wristbands.
Called 'Fuck Me Bands' because when someone snaps them (usually on purpose) they want to fuck you.

*Guy snaps girl's fuck me band*
Girl: wow i didn't know you wanted to fuck me...that room is free!

👍65 👎71

Fuck me band - what does it mean?

The Australian slang term for a "jelly bracelet".

They may either be the generic solid colored plastic bands, or the relatively current trend in New South Wales of using the flat sleeve from the inside of a Coke bottle lid. They are crafted into bracelets by removing the centre leaving a 3mm rim, sucking on them until they're warm and soft, and stretching it slowly around the hand until it's on the wrist.

The meaning of fuck-me bands is quite blatant - they are worn predominantly by prepubescent sluts and skanks, and if broken one should copulate with the individual who broke it.

Many Australians wear these bands for years, and eventually they have grown around them and can't remove them. They don't take the "purpose" seriously, but can often be seen as immature simply for wearing these bands.

"I bought some hot new red fuck-me bands for so cheap."

👍65 👎33

Fuck me band - meaning

The Australian slang term for a "jelly bracelet".

They may either be the generic solid colored plastic bands, or the relatively current trend in New South Wales of using the flat sleeve from the inside of a Coke bottle lid. They are crafted into bracelets by removing the centre leaving a 3mm rim, sucking on them until they're warm and soft, and stretching it slowly around the hand until it's on the wrist.

The meaning of fuck-me bands is quite blatant - they are worn predominantly by prepubescent sluts and skanks, and if broken one should copulate with the individual who broke it.

Many Australians wear these bands for years, and eventually they have grown around them and can't remove them. They don't take the "purpose" seriously, but can often be seen as immature simply for wearing these bands.

"I bought some hot new red fuck-me bands for so cheap."

👍125 👎63