Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck a dog?

Totally screwed up; performed exceptionally poorly

"You lost the Johnson account?? You fucked a dog this time!!"

👍135 👎61

fuck a dog - video


Fuck a dog - what is it?

hiding out somewhere instead of doing your job during working hours

Tony..."Where`s Marty?" Jack..."The boss just left for the day so he`s probably out fucking the dog"

👍147 👎63

What does "fuck a dog" mean?

to have screwed up or failed at a task, usually spectacularly or with disastrous results. Said failure can involve lack of effort or lack of competence and usually both. Vulgarization of "screwed the pooch."

Bridegroom: dude the whole stripper-in-a-cake thing is more fun when she's not 74 years old and narcoleptic
Best man: yeah i really fucked the dog on that one didn't i

👍115 👎45

Fuck a dog - what does it mean?

1. to waste time doing nothing

2. to make a severe mistake

Don't just stand there and fuck the dog, get going.

👍279 👎115

Fuck a dog - meaning

Not doing anything in particular because you have nothing to do or in an attempt to kill time.

The game doesn't start for another hour so I guess I'll just be fucking the dog until then.

My boss is going to be pissed off when he finds out I was fucking the dog all day.

👍473 👎189

Fuck a dog - definition

Doing nothing, shooting the shit.

Hey Kevin, what are you doing?
Kevin: Fucking the dog.

👍1491 👎553

Fuck a dog - slang

When someone is on the clock (at work) and they stand around acting busy and actually do nothing.

The supervisor approached the crew of ditch diggers and separated the two who had been leaning on their shovels talking. He said that any more inaction on the job would lead to their dimissal. Stating further, I'll have no fucking the dog on my watch!

👍1079 👎315

Fuck a dog

To do nothing at all, or at least nothing of productive use.

Bill was so hung over at work on monday, and the boss was out. He just sat at his desk and fucked the dog all day

👍1247 👎309

Fuck a dog

Just like it says on here. This is a category in beastiality involving sexual intercourse between a dog and a human being. This can also be applied to sick, dirty humor. See below....

i.....wanna fuck a dog in the ass....i wanna fuck a dog in the ass...i wanna fuck a dog......i tried to fuck your mom in the ass...tried to fuck your dad in the ass...could only find the dog....and his ass...we wanna fuck a dog in the ass..we wanna fuck a dog in the ass..we wanna fuck a dog....i wanna fuck a pirate in the ass..argh me and me first mate you scurvy kerr...i wanna fuck a fuckin pirate but i found the dog....that was no dog that was thy own sister. -Jonathon Hasselmann; 12/20/2003

👍583 👎373

Fuck a dog

Just like it says. A division of beastility that involves sexual intercourse between a dog and a human being.

Animal Porn slut: "I'm ready to go on camera and fuck a dog."

👍653 👎307