Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuck-nugget?

General insult, sounds funny but means nothing.

Shut up you Fuck Nugget!

👍31 👎13

fuck-nugget - meme gif

fuck-nugget meme gif

fuck-nugget - video


Fuck-nugget - what is it?

A Real Dumbass Bitch

Kelly: Have you seen that New kid in school ?
Lorenzo : Yeah I heard He's a Real Fuck Nugget!

👍45 👎23

What does "fuck-nugget" mean?

a moronic, obnoxious jerk, (male or female) who is not worthy enough of being a full fuck-tard, yet still is a stupid fuck. just as half-pint is only half of a pint, a fucknugget is only partially human.; also, anyone who is only worth a nugget of your time.

"wow john, he's not even a full fledged asshole, t-bone's only a fuck nugget"

👍99 👎73

Fuck-nugget - what does it mean?

The little ball of dried spooge that's left on your pube's after sex the night before.

When Chris woke up the morning after his encounter with Armondo the pool boy, he found his pubic hair loaded with fuck nuggets.

👍305 👎233

Fuck-nugget - meaning

1.)Some person that completely sucks.
2.)An exclaimation of something that is either good or bad

1.)Layton Davis is such a Fuck Nugget.
2.)Fuck Nugget! it's so cold out here!

👍291 👎185

Fuck-nugget - definition

Someone who is a complete tool or dickhead.

That guy is such a fuck nugget.

👍145 👎79

Fuck-nugget - slang

A sex slave who has no arms or legs

ive got a fuck nugget in my basement

👍59 👎23


One who has no limbs and is used as a sex slave

I can't wait to try out my new fuck nugget!
Who needs a fuck buddy when you have a fuck nugget!

See fuck buddy

👍227 👎71


A stupid, fucking, useless dumbass.

"Don't be a fuck nugget!"

"That guy is such a fuck nugget!"

👍581 👎197


someone who is completly useless.see:fucktard.

Skyler Hanks is a fuck nugget.

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