Definder - what does the word mean?

What is frunking?

One Who has Mastered The Art Of Faking Drunkness In Order To Obtain Sexual Gratification.

Last night 67 guys hooked up with Sam because she was frunk.

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frunking meme gif

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Frunking - what is it?

When you post on a forum a link or reference to information which was already posted.

"Your Frunked! LimpDick69 already posted that article."

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What does "frunking" mean?

The act of being fucking drunk; Drinking too much to the point of blacking out; Texting ex girlfriends saying you would want to fuck them instead of other girls while being drunk;

"Brad texted me, he's tell me he wants to fuck only me, i think he's frunk!"

"yeah it would seem that way."

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Frunking - what does it mean?

When you eat so much you feel drunk.
You get knocked out from the amount of food you consumed

Mitch: Bro, I ate 2 double quarter pounders and 2 bigmacs. Shit I'm frunk.
Jo: Damn.

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Frunking - meaning

to be so drunk that you do not no what is going on or what is happening. (fucking drunk)

fucking drunk = frunk!

Wow i was so frunk! last night i can't remember what happened.
Lets go party man! GET FRUNK!

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Frunking - definition

To act very drunk when you have not consumed as much alcohol as you said, to act fake drunk.

Ryan was mad frunk last night he had already made two mixed drinks and we hadn't even gotten a run yet.

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Frunking - slang

A trunk on the front end of a mid- or rear-engined car.

I like Beetles and MR2s, because frunks are cool!

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contraction of the words front and trunk, referring to the front trunk of a car as the one on the Tesla Model S.

β€”Where am I supposed to put all the suitcases? the trunk is already packed!
β€”Just put them in the frunk.

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A "Frunk" is a trunk in the front of the vehicle. "Front" + "Trunk" = "Frunk"

While cars and trucks with internal combustion engines have the engine in the front of the vehicle and a trunk in the back, electric vehicles do not have an engine in the front, so EVs like the Ford Mustang Mach-E or F-150 Lightning, turned this empty space into additional storage.

While cars and trucks with internal combustion engines have the engine in the front of the vehicle and a trunk in the back, electric vehicles do not have an engine in the front, so EVs like the Ford Mustang Mach-E or F-150 Lightning, turned this empty space into additional storage.

On roadtrips, my girlfriend doesn't like to put her luggage in the pickup bed because it may get wet if it rains, so instead I have her put all her junk in the frunk.

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A trunk located in the front of the car, where an engine would typically be found. A composition of the words "front" and "trunk."

Put that bag in the frunk.

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