Definder - what does the word mean?

What is forcefuck?

A pussy’s way of saying rape

Yeah uhh he totally forcefucked her

👍29 👎15

forcefuck - video


Forcefuck - what is it?

1 - When a Jedi has hard, fast sex with someone and uses the Force to augment their sexual pleasure.

2 - When a Jedi does better than you at anything, especially video games.

3 - When the drunk chick at a party is all over you, and your boys are just like "do it bro, no regrets," so you take her back to your room and you Forcefuck that girl. I mean, you really wreck that chick.

Ex-1 - I seriously need to be Forcefucked this week, I've been soo horny lately.

Ex-2 - Damn homie you just got Forcefucked suckaaaa.

👍67 👎41