Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fone's?

Shortend version of "fone bone"

1. To speak of sexual acts on the phone to get off.

2. A combination of the words fuck and phone.

My aol girlfriend and I fone every night.

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fone's - meme gif

fone's meme gif

fone's - video


Fone's - what is it?

when you are soo fuckin stoned you dont feel like talking alot so u combine words fuckin stoned = Foned

" Holy shit dude im soo foned" ( then normaly followed by extreme laughing or smoking another bowel)

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What does "fone's" mean?

another way of spelling phone just for people who are too lazy to spell it right

oh shit i've lost my mobile fone

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Fone's - what does it mean?

Fone is a word to describe someone that's finer than fine

Pronounced fione

Lea : omg did you see miles he's so fine
Ava : nahh hes FONEEEE

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Fone's - meaning

Open to interpretation, but normally swear words. It can be used to confuse people or to occupy a group of people when seriously bored.

Bob: I was going to fone her yesterday.
Jim: Why didn't you?
Bob: Courage is hard to get these days, ya know...

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Fone's - definition

fucking owned foned

as in sports if a defender gets juked out of his shoes the player who got by that defender the player might say "Oh, I just foned your faggot ass!"

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Fone's - slang

fone-> fresh off the NEWB express!
Can be used as a verb or a noun.

--I was playing UT and my team was losing cuz of me so i said

--WTF WAS THAT BADNESS? That guys obviously a FONE.

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Slang for phone. It is used by people who don't fully understand the English language and feel the need to spell it phonetically. Or somehow think that not typing in one letter saves them time.

----Got a new fone :D

----Thats cool. Mind using real English words now?

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When you get rolled by a feeding projectile dps player

“Damn, that guy just got #Foned so hard!”

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Fear Of Not Enjoying Enough

counterpart to FOMO.
Happens when one is doing some desirable activity, but is overwhelmed by the fear that they are not "in it" and not enjoying the moment enough.

(while watching a sunset)
- isn't this view amazing?
* I know, but I am constantly thinking about work, and I'm having really bad FONEE because of it.

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