Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fo' shizzle ma nizzle?

slang for "for sure my nigger".

Bodan: "you gonna come kick some white ass tonight?"
Rajib: "fo shizzle ma nizzle, im there!"

👍103 👎111

fo' shizzle ma nizzle - video


Fo' shizzle ma nizzle - what is it?

1. For Sure, My Nigga'. Commonly played out by snoop dog and other rap artists. Found Irefuetably aggravating for the southern , blue collared working class, white american.

Fo Shizzle Ma Nizzle, lez go smokkee some weedz

👍71 👎51

What does "fo' shizzle ma nizzle" mean?

"fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother"

Can u hook me up?
fo shizzle ma nizzle

👍265 👎221

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle - what does it mean?

for sure my --insert colloquial expletive beginning with "n"-- .

Just to clarify... The "izzles" and "izzos" were introduced to urban pop culture by Double Dutch Bus in 1981, however, Snoop took it to a new level. Snoop interpolated Double Dutch Bus (which was written by Bill Bloom and Frankie Smith) and originally performed by Frankie Smith (NOT the Gap Band).

Dizzouble Dizzutch... Double Dutch.

👍169 👎127

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle - meaning

i agree with you wholeheartedly, my african american brother.

dude1: this guy r teh ghey

dude2: fo' shizzle ma nizzle

👍109 👎73

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle - definition

1) A phrase of agreement. Used when responding to a statement.

2) Another way of saying, "Of course." Used when responding to a yes/no question.

Both are heard in mostly urban areas, especially ghettos. Either that, or heard in an SUV driven by some white, suburban kid listening to rap.

1) Rodney: That was a great party last night!
Samuel: Fo shizzle ma nizzle!

2) Herman: Was that party last night great, or what?
Helga: Fo shizzle ma nizzle.

By the way, it appears many of the people who defined this word don't like black people. You might say that Rodney Basil doesn't like suburban, white people, but that's not so. I am a suburban, white person.

👍473 👎207

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle - slang

a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother."

"fo shizzle ma nizzle that is dank shit"

👍6305 👎479

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle

Def: Absolutely positively 100% accurately correct my brotheren
It is derived from the ancient swahili tribal word in Africa --"FASHIZCHMANICLE"

It is only appropriate for black/colored people to use this term because they have black penis

👍65 👎83

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle

A modification of the English language, generally used to give birth to cultural identity where none previously existed. The process can be compared to the creation of Frankenstein from bits and pieces of other organisms.

See also: Narcissism

Normal Individual: "Hey, want to head to the bar later?"
Cultural Narcissist: "Fo' shizzle ma nizzle!"

Normal Individual: "Uhm, alright. How's 8 sound?"
Cultural Narcissist: "Wu dazzle in da hoozy baloozy, bling bling bling!"
(*translation unknown*)

Normal Individual: "I didn't understand a word of that."
Cultural Narcissist: "Fo' shizzle yo!"
(that's because you're inferior and I'm not)

"It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open . . ." -Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley

👍69 👎43

Fo' shizzle ma nizzle

for sure ma nigga

hey wanna go 2 da club 2nite?
fo' shizzle ma nizzle

👍197 👎81