Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bodan?

Bodan means a male guy who is a very handsome gentlemen,
Bodan is also described as a demigod, like Herkules

Oh, you havent heard the legend of BODAN?

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Bodan - meme gif

Bodan meme gif

Bodan - video


Bodan - what is it?

Typically used to describe a white male, who loves to act like a nigger, and is dumb as shit. The acronym, by which the word is spelled means Big Old Dumb Ass Nigger

Damnit, your nothing but a damn BODAN Josh.

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What does "Bodan" mean?

To be a grossly overweight and fat man, that would hardly do anything but sit on the couch eating food and quoting TV lines angrily at people.

Oi, Chris Williams, why are you such a Bodan? Get off the couch slob!

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