Definder - what does the word mean?

What is flousy?

Thank you, Flousy, for taking the bullet intended for me. I'll repay you if I can.

Hym "Go watch what happened to Flousy over there on Brett Cooper's channel over there at the Daily Wire. Go take a look. That's why THIS... Instead of what you want me to do. That's why this. You see how that works? Nothing to do with cowardice. Nothing to do with a fucking pseudonym. Nothing to do with mental illness. Nothing to do with being generally evil or crazy. EXACT SAME STORY. What good does that do anybody? Did those people in Florida still get gunned down? How many of them? You all still getting raped and murdered out there? Yuuuup. Did crime stop overnight? What good does THAT do? Nothing! Certainly not for him. He gets to be a second class citizen FOREVER now. And for what? If you knew he was telling the truth would you say anything? No the fuck you wouldn't! No the fuck you would not! And where is he now? Not where he wants to be. Not free. Not even an equal citizen. No more rights for you.

Bye Flousy! Doesn't matter whether or not he's right. What proof would there even be? If the only proof is someone who participated admitting the truth, what proof would there be? You singlehandedly proved that I WAS FUCKING RIGHT AGAIN! AS ALWAYS! NEVER WRONG! NOT YET! You beautiful son of a bitch! THIS, on the otherhand, generates hundreds of millions of dollars, revolutionizes psychology and theology, keeps me free and safe, proves that I'm correct, AND is fun to do. A perfectly executed plan in juxtaposition to what YOU FUCKING RETARDS WOULD RATHER I DO INSTEAD OF THIS. You don't like this because this either hurt your feelings and/or a man that I existentially saved made your daughter squeal (and speak favorably about the interaction after the fact) and/or was mean to a disabled who mocked me while doing the thing that this is literally about. THERE! THERE! You see how that works? See see how this is the fucking Dr. Strange '1 future that actually works' moment that you've been trying to stop? You see it? Go look. Go look at what I'm talking about and see how right I am."

👍25 👎11

flousy - video


Flousy - what is it?

"Flousy" is a more respectable term for "slut", "harlot", "hoe", "temptress" and "whore".

Did you see Alyssa's shirt today? What a loosey flousy.

👍83 👎39

What does "flousy" mean?

The frivolties associated with living in the upper Eschelons
of Society. Excessively expensive, frivolous, non-essential things--Gaudy, Ostentatious jewlery, Exotic cars, Private supersonic jets...

Though he now poses as a charitable man, Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates lives a life full of Flousy with his private submarine, his ridiculously automated house...

"We flying first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
For the glamorous, oh the flousy flousy"
- Glamorous by Fergie

"Honey this flousy Valentine's dinner just emptied our bank account!"

👍61 👎37