Definder - what does the word mean?

What is flaco's?

slang for "shut the fuck up"

chata flaco, nozzle.

👍41 👎19

flaco's - meme gif

flaco's meme gif

flaco's - video


Flaco's - what is it?

Doe Flaco was born in Baltimore, MD and started rapping at a early age. He started out battle rapping and DJ and later got into the business side of the music industry. Currently residing in Southwest Florida doe Flaco created a group called Cypher of ceremonies Which consist of members Jack Lesgo, barbaric bombs, A&T, and doe Flaco they currently have three Cypher videos released on YouTube and are consistently working on new ones. Doe Flaco he's also the founder and see all of War child entertainment.

War child doe Flaco Baltimore Florida jack Lesgo barbaric Bombz A&T cypher of ceremonies ski mask bars white rapper 2017

👍25 👎11

What does "flaco's" mean?

Light tone skinned musician from Orlando Florida, who laughs in all of songs. Or what every light skinned boy is known for

Look at flaco Prince all handsome and shit, I want him

👍37 👎15

Flaco's - what does it mean?

A much much much kewliezer blue bird guy in smash bros who's like the best and killxorz people with his laser and is like "Flaco here, I'm fine" in Lylat Wars and he is SO DAMN KEWL!

OMG pwnage to teh MAXorZ!!! Hidden spike the Flaco to teh MAXORZ!!!

👍83 👎379

Flaco's - meaning

One who is to close to retirement to tell tesoro to "fuck off!".

Flaco is'nt going to give tesoro the chance to make him a shithead!(see"shithead")

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Flaco's - definition

works at mcdonalds making fries, gets no bitches whatsoever and seems like an eboy

flaco: hey guys im back from work

👍35 👎41

Flaco's - slang

noun. someone who is TOO skinny from drugs; a clucker, crackhead, or one who bangs tar. usually derogatory. even if they're not using

dude better eat, you look like a flaco

👍181 👎327


works at mcdonalds making fries, gets no bitches whatsoever and seems like an eboy

flaco: hey guys im back from work

👍29 👎11


spanish for skiny or thin

hey you FLACO you better eat somethin'

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It means skinny or thin male.

Utilized in a good sence not in a mocking way, but as a nickname to a friend, relative, or boyfriend.

Mom- Where my handsome "flaco"?

👍281 👎23