Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fish tit?

Insanely Crazy

"Dat bitch who fucked tha dog, she crazier than a fish with tits"

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fish tit - video


Fish tit - what is it?

a step beyond a cleavage poke. Where a guy trys to get under a woman bra and grab some naked tit.

I'm going tit fishing.

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What does "fish tit" mean?

The act of trolling around on sites like chatroullete and Omeagle, asking women to bare their breasts.

-An example of tit fishing

Oh man, bro, last night Fred and I tit fished for like two hours!

Wow! Did you catch anything.

A couple bites, but we didn't land any.

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Fish tit - what does it mean?

when girls use photo tricks to make her boobies look much bigger than they actually are.

So i met with Tiffany for the first time and she is definitely not a D cup, I just got tit fished

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Fish tit - meaning

a british girl with a stinky pussy and big boobs

you can smell and see betty a mile away. she's got some fish and tits

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Fish tit - definition

A mean bitchy β€œfriend”, usually a girl who
Is an awful person and only cares about herself. Mostly unliked by everyone around her and is super manipulative.

Omg Hailey I’m so sorry Eleanor did that too you! She is such a fish tit !

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Fish tit - slang

A phrase which can be used just about anywhere.

Also, the tits of a fish.

"How are you today fucking?"

"Did you write that paper yet?"
"Yea, I did it fish tits ago."

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Fish tit

Substitute for the word shit when frustrated or shocked

1) Holly Fish Tits!!!
2) Aw Fhish Tits.

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Fish tit

old saggy flat man tits

OHH man did you see that guy's fish tits they were AWESOME!!!!!!

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