Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fish ass?

What people with top ramen noodles for hair do at Pike Place market in order to waste time, and wait for their emo victims to come along. They do this in a way that is painful to another, most likely in the area of the anus. Billy the fucking refrigerator (founder) states "Its what they do at Pike Place Market, toss fish, in that ass"

Billy the fridge - "I'll be waiting for you leafy, at Pike Place Market, tossing fish, in that ass!"

👍79 👎17

fish ass - video


Fish ass - what is it?

The sexual act of placing ones butt on a fish (also know as "booty cod" or "bait bottom"). Originating from German underage drinking in 2012 the act would usually involve 2 participants- a person and a fish. Although more than 2 have been known to participate is the act (varies between human and fish participants and rarely cake). The trend has never really picked up even though professionals of the scene, such as Greg Spinstin, would argue otherwise. The greater marine protection programs have frowned upon the act as merely "distasteful, but not worse than sunscreen in the ocean"

Woah fam, that was one dope ass fishing session.

👍27 👎15

What does "fish ass" mean?

Ass Fish (or "fishing") is An anal sex move used by homosexuals, where you would put your penis in your partners ass followed by both hands on either side of your penis, meanwhile wiggling your fingers around and making "Bubble noises" to resemble a fish.

Note: Heterosexuals can use this move too during anal sex.

Ricky and James did the Ass Fish last night.

"Would you like to go fishing with me" Asked James to Ricky.

👍41 👎29

Fish ass - what does it mean?

When consenting couples engage in anal sex; the penis is pulled out of the ass and the ass is agape. The man then snorts up a luge and spits it in the agape ass and then tries to fish out the luge with his dick.

Dave was banging Jill's ass. Then Jill asked Dave to go fishing for ass carp. He hocked a luge in her ass and began fishing

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Fish ass - meaning

Someone who does not spend any money.............period!

He was as tight as a fishes ass under compression when it came time to getting any money out of him.....cunt.

👍391 👎17

Fish ass - definition

A person ( or business ) that will not spend any money,

Open your wallet and let the moths out!!!

Guy 1, old Steve never shouts his missus to dinner, he always makes her pay.
Guy 2, yeh Steve is as tight as a fishes ass hole,dude!!!

Employee 1. Frank the boss never puts good toilet paper in the shit house for us,

Employee 2. Yeh he always puts that cheap stuff in there and it's like sandpaper, he is as tight as a fishes ass hole!!!!

👍37 👎13

Fish ass - slang

The act of inserting a live fish or many small fish into someones asshole.

Me: Hey Hideki what the fuck are you doing with my goldfish?

Hideki: I'm practicing the ancient art of Japanese Fish ass.

"Hideki san like to practice ancient art of Japanese fish ass"

👍73 👎35

Fish ass

a fool who goes around try to ask question and pick out answer that he likes. similar to cherry picking but this is constant behavior to everybody that he meets to pick out action that he or she likes.

Finally some one caught and put a strap on the fishing ass nigga who did not play that game.

👍25 👎11

Fish ass

another word to use in a crowd of people rather than saying nigger

that dude has such a fish ass girlfriend

👍63 👎67

Fish ass

the worst insult one can give; an invitation to no longer be friends and/or become worst enemies; the anus of a fish.

Johnny: Hey man, what's up?

Bob: Nothing, you fish ass!

Johnny: ...I hate you.

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