Definder - what does the word mean?

What is feminazism?

The practice of sexism, extremism, terrorism, misandry, racism, heterophobism and/or oppression hidden by a claim to be practicing feminism. Often found to be scapegoating heterosexual men for all societal and cultural problems. The term was coined sometime during the on-going current third wave feminist movement.
Feminazi- Noun

"That male hating woman was a feminazi."

"Saying that women shouldn't have to learn self-defense and that men should stop raping is feminazism, because men and women both commit rapes and men get raped too by males and females."

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feminazism - meme gif

feminazism meme gif

feminazism - video

Feminazism - what is it?

Take your regular feminist: take away the idea of equality, take away all trace of rationality, add hate for everything fun/male, boost it with the unlimited ignorance of the special snowflake community of Tumblr

Tadaaa! You've got a feminazist!
Now take your feminazist and add about 5,000 more of them. Now they all share the same ignorant ideology and then we can add "ism" to feminazi

Taadaaaa! Now we got feminazism

Brandon: Holy fuck!
Ben: What?
Brandon: Nearly got shived by some feminazist for saying the Sara were extra good looking today!
Ben: Dude, thats fucked up, feminazism should be stopped

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