Definder - what does the word mean?

What is farm dog?

to be eaten alive!

After staying out 'til 6 in the morning, I arrived home, only to be walking into a hungry dog farm wearing meat pants! I had to sustain the third degree for three hours as to where I'd been by my ever-so-trustful ball and chain.

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farm dog - video


Farm dog - what is it?

A house full of male residents.

You know like a hot dog farm.

That house on the corner is a total hot dog farm.

👍29 👎17

What does "farm dog" mean?


1) A person who does not care how they look or what you think about how they look.

2) One who is apathetic about something.

Often used to explain the person's look or behavior and usually proceeding the words "don't care."

Example 1
Guy: Why are you wearing pajama pants to a party?
Girl: Cuz farm dog don't care.

Example 2
Girl 1: This professor is so boring.
Girl 2: I know, look at Andrew. He's asleep in the front row.
Girl 1: Farm dog don't' care.

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