Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fake kick?

when you pretend to be coming off of a drug you have never been into, or had a part of distributing / making.

" y'all was fake kicking shit so ima dap you with the lefty "

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fake kick - video


Fake kick - what is it?

you don't have to lie or act like you are someone else to hang out with me or be my friend

guy 1: I just got back from climbing Mt. Everest. What a high!
guy 2: Me too. I'm surprised I didn't see you there!
guy 1: don't fake it to kick it! I hang with losers, just not liars!

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What does "fake kick" mean?

It's where someone try's to chill and kick it at someone's house but actually wants to know where they stay so they can shoot it up or something

Stranger: "Hey bro! Can I kick it at your house?

Chief Keef: "Hell nah!" You tryina fake kick!"

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Fake kick - what does it mean?

When you trying to to set up link up with somebody, knowing damn well ya'll don't fuck with each other.

You wanna go out for some drinks? For what, so we can fake kick it.

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