Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fair lawn?

im sorry but its not cool to sit in the parking lot of cvs or panera...anywhere...including and expecially fairlawn.

Jane: those boys are decent...
Mary: yeah but their Fair Lawn boys...
Mary: the chill in the parking lot by cvs!
Jane: ew forget it. lets go to white plains!
Mary:please lets get out of here.

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fair lawn - video


Fair lawn - what is it?

1) An extremely boring, crap town in Bergen County in northern New Jersey where the coolest place to hang out is a Dunkin Donuts.

2) A town where less than fifteen people know how to have a decent, mind-stimulating conversation.

3) What you can use to call any place of complete misery.

"So what should we do in Fair Lawn today guys? I say we pick one of the seven Dunkin Donutses to go to and smoke a cigarette!"

"Dude, I was at Mike's party yesterday, and it was fucking Fair Lawn."

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What does "fair lawn" mean?

Home of the Cutters. (What the f*ck is a cutter anyway?)
More like home of the tools.

If you walk past a group of kids and you are smoking a cigarette they will surround you and beg for one. And start yelling, "CUT ME DOWN, YO!" "CAN I GET A BOGE?!"

If you go to Panera Bread or Dunkin Dounts, you will most likely find a group of kids smoking cigarettes that are all looking or waiting for bud.

If you go to stone bench you can probably find a couple of kids smoking a blunt.

Yo d00d let's go chill at panera in FAIR LAWN, i need a bogieeeeeeeee!

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Fair lawn - what does it mean?

A small Town in Bergen County New Jersey. Home to the Cutters who haven't won a football game since the Blue Jays made it to a World Series. Aside from it's terrible sports Fair Lawn is home to the cool hang out spot CVS where drugs and drinks are delt like it's nothing.

Fair Lawn-

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Fair lawn - meaning

Ahh yes, fair lawn. Since all of these definitions are from forever ago, let’s refresh shall we. Those good ol’ fair lawn cutters still have not had much luck uhh winning a football game. But anyways. Most of our strangely large town with a small town mentality is made up of jewish people mostly from Israelis and russians. But there is some diversity trust me, especially including those who you’d never guess were born & raised in a lil white town. Although it is safe and pretty. You will not think the same during lovely times like skav and goosey night. And of course we have to remember the promenade, where everyone in their freshman year or younger spend their weekends gettin ~wild~ while simultaneously pissing off the workers.

hi, welcome to fair lawn. home of the cutters and 50 minute long graduation speeches.

would you believe me if i told you that the actual lawns of FAIR LAWN are actually quite shitty?

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Fair lawn - definition

A smallish town located in Bergen County New Jersey. Where there are more temples than houses. Home of the Fair Lawn Cutters, who haven't won a football game since 1703..B.C. Though most might mistake it as a golf course at times,no, our grass is not that nice. And where everyone knows if Martin Luther King and Christopher Colombus were Jewish, we might actually have those holidays off. A place where orange is not only a color, but a skin tone as well. Lets not forget, where you can hang out in the parking lot of CVS and be cool.

Every city in America didn't have school on Christmas, except for Fair Lawn.

As the opposing team against Fair lawn had 2 and a half players, they still won 112 to 4.

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Fair lawn - slang

as israel is to europe as is fair lawn is to the americas

brian: why is everyone migrating in the same direction?
adrian: cause its saturday in fair lawn
dan: im from franklin lakes
mikko: YEAA B**** YEAA

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Fair lawn

Not as jewish as everyone from the town thinks. That's because the people who think it's so jewish are anti-semetic. The town itself is pretty all-american, consists of large amounts of Italians and Irish. There are plenty of jews, Israelis, Russians, but nobody likes them anyway. Send them back to Brooklyn where they belong!

Fair Lawn Guido: What nationality are you babe?
Fair Lawn Skeo: I'm Russian.
Fair Lawn Guido: Oh, so where in Russia are you from there?
Fair Lawn Skeo: Well I was born in Brooklyn.

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Fair lawn

a russian jew town in northern nj. nothing to ever do. home to some of the funniest nd immature kids.. everyone smokes. home to radburn nd river road

Dave: lets go to river road in fair lawn and check out the russian store
Ivan: no, they smell really bad

Bob: lets go to the parking lot for a smoke
Rob: sure

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Fair lawn

Small town in bergen county,North Jersey.

Fair Lawn is an upper middle class town, most people that live in Fair Lawn are Jewish, or a combo of Italian/German/Dutch/Irish/Polish. In the winter Fair Lawnians go sleding on middle school hills. In the summer Fair Lawnians migrate to memorial pool. Fair Lawn is between 5-15 minutes away from The Bergan Mall, The Paramus Park Mall, The Graden State Plaza, and Willobrook Mall. Fair Lawn is also 20 minutes from NYC.

New things about Fair lawn include:
Panera Bread.
Addition to FLHS.
New Rec center.

Fair Lawn is famous for:
-Club C.
-The Guerreri brothers.
-The worst highschool football team on the eastern seaboard. "go cutters
-Thet amount of Jewish people
-The only town whos school dont get off when EVERYONE else does.

I just got back from the Garden State Plaza, and went to Club C, in Fair Lawn. When I drove around dunkin donuts one of the Guerreri brothers raced me. They won.

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