Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fair deuce?

A saying commonly used by strange cunts with 2 first names

Example: Mark-John

GOOD BLOKE: Hey MJ! Go and get fucked ya half chewed crumpet

MJ: Fair Deuce bruz

👍41 👎21

fair deuce - video


Fair deuce - what is it?

Something that Jackson says all the time. Not that i know him or anything. I just heard hes pretty cool. But not when he says fair deuce. Because he applies it to EVERY SITUATION.

"I wanna drink"
"Fair deuce"
" Im feeling sick"
"Fair deuce"

"Lets wear this decorative hat feather to go traveling to Denmark"
"fair deuce"

👍31 👎37

What does "fair deuce" mean?

fair play, good point (as in tennis).

Used informally to acknowledge good verbal comebacks.

that's what SHE said

fair deuce

👍147 👎31