Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fagort?

fagorter is someone that is a Member of the LGBT Social Network Site fagOrt.

The word fagort should now have a new meaning, this word as I found out is used to call someone "faggot" and that word should not bother anyone that is gay. We are proud to be gay and we should tun that word around.

If you are ever called that, just ask the person what the word really means.

1. Look at that pencil-pusher, he is a total fagorter

2. The fagorter Light's the fire, we need it to start a fire

👍33 👎13

fagort - video


Fagort - what is it?

A word used by complete morons.

wtf y cnt I go thru tish tree wtf this map si for FAGORTS

👍65 👎67

What does "fagort" mean?

A dadaist ejaculation; a defiant, yet meaningless cry against growing despair, heralding a creeping nihilism.

howard dean may seem like a solid, pro-labor leftist, but his election in vermont is misleading. he supports NAFTA, to the point of voting for fast track, and like clinton, is promising a health care reform he has no intention to deliver.
<clarknova> FAGORTLOOLZ!

👍79 👎53

Fagort - what does it mean?

A corruption of the word "faggot." Used most often in internet verbal battles. Also could be used to refer to a bundle of sticks.

1. Look at that pencil-pusher, he is a total fagort.

2. Light the fagort, we need it to start a fire.

👍105 👎31