Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fact checker's?

someone who is a biased fact checker

arey is ki amma ko chodo yeh to lawde ka fact checker hai

👍47 👎13

fact checker's - video


Fact checker's - what is it?

It is a term used by right wing for a alt news journalist Mohammed Zubair for his biased fact checking. Lavde means dick and you know what fact checker means. His tweets are hinduphobic and are used as an excuse to justify islamic propaganda.

Person 1: Hey, look lavde ka fact checker got arrested lol
Person 2: yeah he deserved it!

👍85 👎19

What does "fact checker's" mean?

Someone who runs a puncture shop full time and is a goat zoo keeper in part time. Hobbies include spreading misinformation to discredit truth. Also someone who looks like a cheap 3rd copy of Hero Alom. His boss is a step son of Medusa.

Bhai ye Lavde ka fact checker Hai, is ki ammi ko julab hota h toh, tashrif se ulti ho rahi hai prove Karta hai.

👍207 👎23

Fact checker's - what does it mean?

According to testimony given by social media companies, such as Twitter and Facebook; fact-checker(s) or derivatives thereof, is a code/slang/urbanized term meaning "one of our employees personal opinion".
Fact-Check = Opinion

1: Fact-checker(s) determined that the rumor of the Vatican moon landing of 1964 is True.
2: Fact-checker(s) determined that the rumor of the assassination of JFK is False.

👍25 👎11

Fact checker's - meaning

A troll who has no life, or real friends for obvious reasons, constantly stalks his friends list not to contribute in a "friend like" manor but to use google to "fact check" each and every post made and then report how the poster has inaccurately represented their thoughts/opinions.

Me: God Damn Eric is such an annoying fuck - Its almost like he waits for anyone to make a Facebook post so he can google that shit only to try to make his lonely ass look smart.
Alex: eh, he's just a Facebook Fact Checker

👍39 👎19

Fact checker's - definition

An AI whose job is to show Facebook users when a post is false, and cite articles to prove it. Unfortunately, it has several major flaws that turn it into a laughing stock:

Problem 1: It is extremely left-wing biased to the point of censorship. You will NEVER see a liberal post getting fact-checked, but by golly, they will slap every conservative post with a "false/misleading info" tag if it paints President Biden in a bad light. (But then again, it's Mark Zuckerberg. What'd you expect?)

Problem 2: It is denser than a black hole. It cannot detect sarcasm in posts at all, and will fact-check the stupidest posts that are obviously jokes.

Problem 3: The sources it cites are often not credible; see Problem 1.

Problem 4: Sometimes, the sources used actually prove that the post is indeed true, which is exactly the opposite of what it's supposed to do.

Facebook Fact-Checkers are as useless as wearing a face mask under the sea.

👍25 👎11

Fact checker's - slang

A Propagandist working for a company that pretends to find the facts to various stories and claims. They often spread misleading and or false information for a group or Government. They will often use semantics and nitpicking to label a part of a statement that has little or nothing to do with the point the statement was trying to express, so that they can label it as false in their headline to make those who just see only the headline think the entire statement was false.

The Fact-checker claimed Ashley's Biden diary claiming sexual abuse by Joe Biden did not exist and was Russian propaganda but then Joe Biden had the FBI try to seize the diary from the Journalists proving that it did exist and that the Fact-checker was lying.

👍29 👎11

Fact checker's

Someone who is censoring anything that goes against the narrative, disguised as a "fact checker", skips any proof that goes against the narrative

this was proven false by the fact checkers

are you stupid? do you really think those are real fact-checkers?

👍45 👎13

Fact checker's

The company backed labels you see under posts on social media platforms such as Instagram. If you see this, the post more often than not contains valid information.

Post: *Shows person(s) in a position of power deliberately doing something messed up*
Fact-Checker: mIsSiNg CoNtExT: tHiS pOsT cOnTaInS fAlSe InFoRmAtIoN
A rational individual: It doesn't take context to deny that an act is objectively wrong.

👍49 👎13

Fact checker's

Paid informants to promote globalist agendas, spread misinformation, and facilitate censorship of truth.

I can't share the true information with you because the fact-checkers flagged my post.

👍115 👎21