Definder - what does the word mean?

What is erkel?


1. A term used to describe the sexual act of any three or more men in a circular formation digitally manipulating one another to orgasm and upon completion saying "Hee hee hee snort snort."

2. A circle jerk for erkel nerds.

Q: "Have you ever gotten really drunk and performed an erkel jerk?"

A: "God, I sure hope not."

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erkel - meme gif

erkel meme gif

erkel - video


Erkel - what is it?

A slang term used in place of marijuana. Used generally as a code term to make sure the ol' geezers don't know what exactly you are talking about. Also used to describe someone who smokes alot of weed. A pot head.

Hey man do you wanna skip class and get in on some erkel?

Did you see that brother? He's erkel for sure.

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