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What is egg challenge?

Challenge to see who can manage to keep a boiled egg up their rectal cavity the longest.

"Bob is killing the egg challenge he's had it in his prison wallet for thirty six hours."

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egg challenge - video


Egg challenge - what is it?

the act of consuming hard boiled eggs, quickly or even whole. this is usually done with two or more people. These people who normally do this who don't have any gag reflexes.

Sasha can do some deep throat action. She can swallow 23 eggs in a hard boiled egg challenge

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What does "egg challenge" mean?

When you try and eat a raw egg. Either straight from the shell or a cup.

Dave: "Did you watch the video Jodi put up of the raw egg challenge?"
Emily: "No, not yet, seems so gross. I'll watch it on youtube tonight!"

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