Definder - what does the word mean?

What is e10?


Have you met e10?
Who's e10?
E10 penis

👍29 👎19

e10 - meme gif

e10 meme gif

e10 - video


E10 - what is it?

n; e-ten-plus; A rating recently issued by the ESRB symbolizing that the game is for children of at least 10 years of age. In other words, you have to be at least ten to buy it.

Because GTA: San Andreas was such a bad game, the ESRB came out with the e10+ rating.

👍95 👎35

What does "e10" mean?

E10 is used for deez nutz jokes so you should probably avoid saying it.

It sounds like "eatin" if you say it out loud.

"Yo I just got diagnosed with E10!"

"E10? What's E10?"



👍57 👎17

E10 - what does it mean?

Eatin my balls

Hey are you going to e10 this year?
Nah what's that?
E10 these nuts

👍177 👎25

E10 - meaning

e10 deez nuts

jungwon: ago niki 😻 whatchu doin
niki: e10 deez nuts 🦞

👍29 👎25

E10 - definition

An abbreviation for eaten.

No, I haven't e10 yet, but I'm extremely peckish, I could grub a horse!

👍53 👎37