Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dubstepper?

it comes from the term shit disturber and describes someone who drives around in their cars that have decked out audio systems and large subwoofers, blasting dubstep music for all to hear, effectively disturbing the peace.

Caution: Windows may be rattled and car alarms set off in the process

Did you hear that shit dubstepper drive by?

yo man, that shit dubstepper just set off my car alarm

👍43 👎17

dubstepper - video


Dubstepper - what is it?

A dirty dubstepper may refer to
a. tone deaf meathead mutants who frequent electronic shows for drugs and dubsluts

b. fuckin kids who search the crowd for drugs in their florescent get ups
c. that couple in front of you at the show who keeps falling back on you because they're so fucked up they don't even know where they are

Dirty Dubstepper: Bro! You got any rolls?
Hippie: No. Put your shirt back on you fuckin' dirt.

Dirty Dubstepper: Bro! Look at that sexy ass bitch!
Hippie: Yeah she's pobably pushin 16, you fuckin dirt.

Dirty Dubstepper: Bro! I cross trained for three hours before the show, I'm so loose right now its crazy!
Hippie: Get. The fuck. Away from me. You dirty ass dubsteper.

👍37 👎11

What does "dubstepper" mean?

Someone who gets down and dirty.....Whoomppp Whommpppp

Mimosa is punishing the dubsteppers and telling them to go to their room!!!!!

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