Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dsh?

"wub wub dsh waaa" is a phrase used by bees that like to sing dubstep while wearing leather jackets, first discovered in the show 'kipo and the age of wonderbeasts' it is now revered as a greeting and response to any and all questions.

spencer: hey morgan, what time is it?
morgan: wub wub dsh waaa
spencer: understandable my dear friend and colleague

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dsh - meme gif

dsh meme gif

dsh - video


Dsh - what is it?

Stands for Dick Sucking Height. Usually to describe the height of a woman (or man if you into that) who is tall enough to suck her/his partners while standing.

Dude, I met this girl last night at the bar, and she's perfect DSH.

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What does "dsh" mean?

Dick Sucking Height

bob: "look at that short chick over there"
Jim: "Damn shes perfect DSH

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Dsh - what does it mean?

Abbreviation for the words "Dick sucking hoe". Derived from the nickname of a girl named Heather Smith, who was conveniently nickname "Dick sucking Heather" for giving many guys head at Andover High School

The guy hooked up with a DSH.
DSH is a little sloppy at giving head.
That DSH is a bdl.

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Dsh - meaning

Dick's So Hard

Andrew: Dude! How about those Mets? DSH!

Anthony: DSFH.

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Dsh - definition

d- dead s- sexy h- hottie! dsh! DEAD SEXY HOTTIE!

Oh my gosh Mary,look at that dsh!

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