Definder - what does the word mean?

What is draig?

Draig is a gone wrong irish person who loves sloppy seconds, crys about a minecraft house blowing up, gets asked to shoot their shot but gets denied, everytime they throw a punch they miss and fall, gets told that they are dumb and runs away from home, scared of ashin people and the number five, cryed for 2 hours and 3 hours of sex right after then saying that they did it for 5 hours, also is gay.

Kyle : draig looks so cute. you should ask him out

Bre : I'll let him hit his shot. I guess but I know this draig isn't going to do anything good so I'll decline him.

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draig - meme gif

draig meme gif

draig - video


Draig - what is it?

A supplement for the word "rage" as in to party/get high. It was derived from a man named David Draige and his friends use it as a code word.

"Want to go for a draige?"

👍25 👎25

What does "draig" mean?


Likes to wank !Alot!

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Draig - what does it mean?


Draig is to wank compulsivley

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Draig - meaning

Welsh for Dragon

Coch draig am byth (Welsh dragon forever)

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