Definder - what does the word mean?

What is doxy?

Doxy is a creature from Harry Potter.

"Ew there's doxies in my house oh no"

"Let's get rid of them! I can see a doxy!"

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doxy - meme gif

doxy meme gif

doxy - video


Doxy - what is it?

A secret place where you and your friends go to chill out, relax with a fire and some drinks, a place to smoke weed, a place to skive from school. maybe a old shed somewere, or a place in the woods. just somewhere to cotch.

hey lads, wanna go to doxy and make a fire? We can get the bevvys out aswell no one will find us.

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What does "doxy" mean?

A whore whose life can be described as a broken condom

That girl is such a doxi

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Doxy - what does it mean?

Has three meanings: 1.basically sex 2.a really close friend (#Mabye more than friends) 3.a secret place for you and your friends to misbehave (probably smoking and drinking) (or picture below)

1. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. 2.Chris is my doxy but NOT my boyfriend. 3.Let's go to our doxy to have doxy.

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Doxy - meaning

A modern document scanner. Just like regular old-school paper scanners, but cooler, smarter, cheaper, web-connected, and awesome.

*at a hipster coworking space*
Girl: Excuse me, but is that a Doxie? Far out!
Boy: I know, right? It scans stuff right to the cloud.
Girl: *picks up Doxie* It's so lightweight and portable! Whoa, that sounded like cheesy ad copy. Um, anyway... you're so cool that you have one!
Boy: I know, right? Come on, let's go back to my place. I've got some, uh, other toys you might like.
Girl: Let's go!

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Doxy - definition

UK street slang for prostitute

'Emilys a doxie all right, gotta love them whores"

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Doxy - slang

slang for the Dachshund dog breed

That is the cutest doxie puppy.

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A person with whom the speaker has a highly intimate relationship both physically and emotionally, often sharing ideas and actions that are only between the two of them. Not usually applied to significant others, and implies the possibility of multiple partners of the same type. Similar to lover, but with a connotation of strong friendship and often mischievous secrecy as well.

Chris is my doxy. He's one of my closest friends and I enjoy hooking up with him, but we're definitely not in a relationship and it definitely isn't just hooking up.

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Whore, prostitute, someone who fucks as many men possible in one nights

Oh my god that doxy fucked my husband along with my son, father, brother, uncle, father in-law, and grandfather last night.

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Short for the antibiotic Doxycycline. Treats inflammatory problems, such as urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, chlamydia, acne, etc.

I'm seein dat hoe tonight, better bring some doxy

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