Definder - what does the word mean?

What is donkin?

An ugly, inconsiderately rude, prick of a man or woman who looks like they are in the transitional stages of a sex change.

Oh my gulosh Lexis, did you just see that "swamp donkin heesh" give you a dirty look?
Oh my gulosh Danielle, is that like a man or a woman?

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donkin - meme gif

donkin meme gif

donkin - video


Donkin - what is it?

The urge or desire to poop.

Man, after that Chinese food I'm donkin' for a doogle.

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What does "donkin" mean?

when you are walking down the street and you or someone you see is walking in stride but your rear end seems to be moving as if it is a completely different entity. It jiggles and bounces almost in the opposite direction of each stride.

Person 1: Damn bro look at her!
Person 2: Sheeeshhh she Bonk Donkin' brother

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Donkin - what does it mean?

A big strong red head with a giant penis is extremely athletic and kills men with one punch.

That honkin donkin will destroy if you touch his pancake

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Donkin - meaning

New age terminology for the Bitchoin generation to indicate that they are affluent and doing well in life. Usually socially displayed by driving round in latest tech vehicles and wearing Puff Diddy loafers. Have all the business acumen of Tony Stark but zero of the star power or tech.

Seen the peak in choin over the weekend? aye, me wallets fuckin burstin! Am Donkin! me like!!!!!!

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Donkin - definition

To ride around the city in a donk, usually with no particular destination. This aimless activity usually includes smoking blunts and sippin' drank.

You know how we do in North Cackalacky-- steady donkin' and grindin'.

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Donkin - slang

Main Entry: don.kin
Pronunciation: β€œd&on-kin”
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -onkβ€’ed; -onkβ€’ing
Etymology: Late Latin donkaratus, past participle of donkare to waste
1 : to waste valuable resource(s)
2 : a state of mind where one disregards all obvious signs of valuable gain
3 : not taking a given opportunity to better oneself
4 : clear acts of stupidity

-β€œI can’t seem to find Fredrick, he is definitely missing out. The girls here are HOT”
-β€œFred is donkin it…”

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term of endearment. Such as honey or sweetie.

Oh donkin for apples. Oh donkin, why are you so good to me?

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Adj. Used to express a feeling not as good as amazing but still awesome.

"Hey man, how was your weekend?"
"It was donkin dude!"

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to be utterly retarded due to drugs or alcohol

Damn, John was donkin so bad this weekend that he puked in a garbage bag in the common room!

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