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What is don bosco?

One of the worst and best schools in the whole of the Philippines

Alhambra: Don Bosco Technical Collage fucking sucks
Lorenzo: No dumbass

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don bosco - video


Don bosco - what is it?

One of the best rising high schools in the Los Angeles area. Don Bosco Tech attracts students that apply and are accepted into Loyola, Harvard-Westlake, and other prominent high schools in the nation. The school is by far not liked by most due to it being all-boys, but once maturity catches up with them, they recognize what Bosco has done for them. The school is on its way to completely not having Cathedral or any other high school rival to it, be worthy of being its opponent. With grants and other monies being donated in the millions to the school, it's on its way to being a prestigous learning community. Many of the boys that attend or have graduated had a life at the school. A well balanced nutrition one might say, where the boys are studious by day, but party animals by night.

Girl 1: What school do you go to?
Bosco guy: Don Bosco Tech.
Girl 1 and her friends: Wow, I like smart and hot guys.

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What does "don bosco" mean?

1 The greatest place on the planet. Scum have entered as freshman and graduated as gods. Qutie possibly the greatest thing to happen to planet Earth.

2 The greatest of the Mighty Bergen County Three: Bosco, Bergen, and Joes.

see also bosco

I went to Don Bosco Prep and it is awesome.

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Don bosco - what does it mean?

Don Bosco is one of the worst schools ever to exist. Their crew team sucks, literally they have gay crew orgies. Even Johnny Sins agrees fuck Bosco.

1st kid: Wow that kids gay but not as gay as Don Bosco.
2nd kid: fr let’s go st. Pete’s fuck bosco!

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Don bosco - meaning

Fuck bosco. Bosco prep is literally where Pete’s rejects go. They suck at all sports, and they have fucking gay crew orgies at over pec. Like seriously wtf is up with them. The only thing they have going for them is there not high tech.

Any girl ever to live ever: omfg is that a fucking Don bosco kid what a loser fuck bosco.
Any doms girl: I’m the town bicycle and both my wheels be flat so I’ll get with him. But ye fuck bosco

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Don bosco - definition

The Prep school for boys on the east coast well known for the good sports programs and academics. The have a great football team which won state titles. The guys there are hot and smart.

Example 1
AHA Girl: Damn those don bosco guys are hot, I need to get with one. To bad they are hooking up with the IHA girls.

Exaple 2
Bergen Kids: Yo guys we are going to beat Bosco in the game this is our year we are the powerhouse BC> Bosco

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