Definder - what does the word mean?

What is don't dick December?

DDDD, it's like No Nut November on hard mode.
For pansies or gods among men, your choice.
Don't jack it for another month.

Alright, I have something to say. You might think of yourself as hot shit for crowning No Nut November, right?
I present you a new challange. Don't Destroy Dick December. Think of it as NNN on hard mode. Don't fap, it's easy, right? Except it's not, because I'm a day late. I'm sure all of you out there just wet your dick within the first second of December 1st, but fuck that. I'm asking you to push yourself to your limits. Don't melt your dick this December, because that's for fucking tards who don't want the extra challenge!

👍49 👎17

don't dick December - video


Don't dick December - what is it?

For those who failed NO NUT NOVEMBER and wants to give it another attempt for the most amazing load on NEW YEARS

"Im gonna try "don't dick December" since my weak ass failed "No Nut November"

👍33 👎13

What does "don't dick December" mean?

Don't Dick Decemberis an event in which those who failed No Nut Novemberreceive a chance at redemption. If however, a victor of No Nut November decides to not participate in Destroy Dick December, they can participate in a modified/harder version of Don't Dick December in which: any form of Nutting is prohibited, Wet Dreams and Pornography of any kind are prohibited, Boners are allowed so long as they are not intentionally caused, breaking a rule will cause you to fail. Those who complete Don't Dick December will be forgiven of their No Nut November failure. Should one complete both months, they shall assert dominance over all others who have not achieved such position and must be treated with the utmost respect, they will also be eligible for Cocktober and/or Hoevember in the following year.

I failed No Nut November, so now I gotta do Don't Dick December.

👍43 👎13