Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dirty cat?

When your cat dies so you f**k it and meow at the same time

My cat died the other day so i did a dirty cat on it

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dirty cat - video


Dirty cat - what is it?

Dead Cat Dirty is when your place of residence is in such a state of disarray from obsessive hoarding and/or pure lazines, and so vile that beneath the foul debris, one is certain to find a dead cat. The presence of a dead cat does not rely on whether or not the homeowners actually own or owned a cat. Once a certain degree of filth is reached, a rotten, decomposed cat carcass instantly appears. It is still under investigation exactly how the bizarre carcasses appear, and where they come from.

Girl 1: I went to Javier's house last night for some cocking and locking, but to my dismay, his apartment was DCD! I immediately got as dry as a nun's cunt.

Girl 2: What's DCD?

Girl 1: Dead Cat Dirty.

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What does "dirty cat" mean?

fake ass country sluts that fuck every guy in a friend group can be found at local field party yelling yee yee drinking bud lights. commonly also known as a mud cricket (see definition)

party tonight karas bringing her dirty barn cat friends

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Dirty cat - what does it mean?

When a cat jumps on your bed with dirty paws and makes them dirty also.

"Dude I went over this chicks house and she had total Dirty Cat Paw Sheets (dcps)!"
"Awww, no way man, thats gross"
" I know, it sucked cause I really wanted to bang her!"

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Dirty cat - meaning

Quickly and repeatedly licking someone's DIRTY vag.

A: He was weird
B: How???
A: After I peed he gave me a dirty cat

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