Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dinkin?

When you’re just messing with someone to piss them off, or you’re acting crazy.

“Dang Finn I go away you straight dinkin right now! Can’t I eat my string cheese in peace?”

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dinkin - meme gif

dinkin meme gif

dinkin - video


Dinkin - what is it?

a goofy nigga

dude, that guy was a dinkin shmirt

👍25 👎11

What does "dinkin" mean?

a goofy nigga

dude, he's a dinkin shmirt

👍25 👎11

Dinkin - what does it mean?

Quote from The Office season two, episode 18.
A saying from the proverbial "hood" in the early 1970's meaning "to be expected" and an act or behaviour which is common to a genre or sterotype.

African American 1: "Yo' man, I aint down with home boys stealin' my shit"
African American 2: "dinkin' flicker my nigga"

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Dinkin - meaning

1. That's Life
2. Shit Happens
3. Get Over It, Bitch!

1.Guy 1: Dude, my wife's cheatin on me for some asshole! Guy 2: Dinkin Flicka. Guy 1: yeah, your right.... I think i'll kill myself. Guy2: Go for it nigga.

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Dinkin - definition

Quote from The Office season two, episode 18.
A saying from the proverbial "hood" in the early 1970's meaning "to be expected" and an act or behaviour which is common to a genre or sterotype.

African American 1: "Yo' man, I aint down with home boys stealin' my shit"
African American 2: "dinkin' flicker my nigga"

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Dinkin - slang

When you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing; wasting time; procrastination.

"Quit dinkin' around in there!" "But Dad, I'm getting ready!" "No, you're not. You're dinkin'!"

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Made popular in a recent episode of "The Office", dinkin flicka roughly translates to "That's life" or "C'est la vie".

It can be used in many circumstances and basically means, 'well, what can you do about it?.. that's life'
The expression is generally used in response to horrible circumstances and is often repeated in agreement by the one in the bad situation.

According to the Office, the expression is "something us Negroes say" but dinkin flicka has recently gained popularity among other ethnic groups.

Darryl: I grew up in the hood.
Michael: dinkin flicka.
Darryl: dinkin flicka.

I just got shot!
dinkin flicka...
yea.. dinkin flicka...

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An affectionate term for either a friend or acquaintance who then in turn refers to you as Koch in their reply.

see also "Koch"

"What up dinkins!?"
"Pass that shit over here dinkins!"

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The act of embodying all aspects of things gangsta.

Coleman: "Yo, you can't be depressed anymore, you're rich."

Hamm: "Nah baby, I'm straight dinkin!"

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