Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dingwaller?

The moment when a hard teacher suddenly reveals just how difficult their class is and sends your grade to the shadow realm.

My chemistry teacher just gave me the Dingwall Drop on that test.

👍25 👎11

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Dingwaller - what is it?

A supreme fail of everything related to Failing.

dont go there, its a dingwall academy

👍75 👎17

What does "dingwaller" mean?

What you call a person who pulls into the left lane and blocks the lane for a long period of time by driving next to the vehicle in the right lane. Could also be used to describe a driver who drives in the fast lane.

Would you look at this f-in Dingwall. What a Dingwall. Hey Dingwall, Get past this Dingwall. Watch out for that Dingwall.

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Dingwaller - what does it mean?

an abuser of primates

dont let him near the chimps, he is a dingwall

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Dingwaller - meaning

a cunt

Petrie: Niven your being a dingwall right now
Niven: fuck off now your being a Dingwall
Dingwall: fuck off both of you

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Dingwaller - definition

some one who tends goats.

send them to dingwall he will look after them

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Dingwaller - slang

A last name originating from ancient Scotland and Scandinavian Viking warrior clans.

Boy-Is that actually what the Dingwall Vikings looked like?
Teacher-Yes they were a powerful bloodthirsty clan!

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a non-swear to call someone doing something innane - generally best used when yelling at another driver or in reference to someone rather than to their face

Look at this dingwally trying to make a K turn on the freeway!

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caveman like person who loiters around public toilets

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