Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dick sand?

When a woman is fuck buddies with a guy and was hoping it would turn into a real relationship but then realizes it never will. She would like to end it but he keeps reeling her back in.

I really need to get away from Jamal but I am stuck in the dick sand.

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dick sand - video


Dick sand - what is it?

When you go swimming and you get sand on you dick immediately afterwards.

doug throws sand at daves crotch, Ha,dude you totally just got sand-dick.

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What does "dick sand" mean?

An undeniably hot guy who’s dick sucks you in easily if you get to close and sucks in anything near or around him with his charm.
a bad or dangerous situation from which it is hard to escape.

"Jessica found her self sinking fast in dick sand after meeting Jeff .”

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