Definder - what does the word mean?

What is deshon?

A Beautiful young girl who plays hard to get,is mean at times,very silly sometimes conceited and can be a low-key freak

that girl Deshon (girl) Is a boys dreamgirl.

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deshon - meme gif

deshon meme gif

deshon - video


Deshon - what is it?

Atlanta based rapper Derez De'Shon Lenard writes highly introspective lyrics about relationships, hustling and life struggles, delivered with an Auto-Tune-Laced blend of singing and rapping. Originally known as D-Bo, he was a member of Dirt Gang and associated with Waka Flocka Flame's Brick Squad Monopoly crew, and frequently collaborated with Slim Dunkin.

Yo, dat nigga Derez Deshon is rapping hard in that Hardaway joint.

👍33 👎13

What does "deshon" mean?

A boy that always gets in is feelings.
girls might like him but only for is looks.

he is the most annoying person in the world.
Deshon is a terrible freind

girls:look at deshon looking cute
deshons friend:*rolls eyes*

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Deshon - what does it mean?

damnn if you know a deshone or you are one you're a fuckin

luckyy asss person. deshones are smexii,outgoing, and lovee

to partyy;) respectt yourr deshones n love themm always or u

will die a painfull deathh.


3.a spontanious chick


👍73 👎33

Deshon - meaning

The Sexiest guy iin the world if u havent seen him ur nobody, every one knoes one of them.

ME:"OMG!!! did u gurls see that deshon over there"
gurLS:"o yeah!! man he was some kinda sexy"

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