Definder - what does the word mean?

What is deondra?

The chosen one

β€œYou know who deondrae is?”
β€œYeah. That nigga is goated ong.”

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deondra - meme gif

deondra meme gif

deondra - video


Deondra - what is it?

Kinda weird

β€œDeondra is kinda weird”

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What does "deondra" mean?

A word stronger than love

Dewayne is so deondra over his girlfriend

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Deondra - what does it mean?

An outstanding girl whose really funny and all about having a good time with her friends. She's everything a boy could dream of from her perfect smile to her glistening big brown eyes. She's easy to get along with but if you get on her bad side you'll regret what's coming for you. The name of a sneaky and very secretive person yet playful and is always ready to joke around. Easygoing,outstanding, and love able. Not to mention funny once you get her going it's hard to calm her down. She could laugh for hours about what happened two weeks ago.

From the characteristics of this girl her name is probably Deondra.

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