Definder - what does the word mean?

What is death valley?

When a girl shits between your balls

Shelly got excited and plopped a big steamy load, a death valley steamer, poop in the valley of my balls.

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death valley - video


Death valley - what is it?

A sensational rock-based group from L.A

Guy: "Hey Chuck Norris whats your favorite band?"
Chuck Norris:"There is only one band which produces a sound that I consider to be music, they are the Death Valley Saints"

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What does "death valley" mean?

A maneuver used in professional wrestling. The executor sets it up by placing his opponent in a standing fireman's carry. He then proceeds to drop the user sideways so that his head crashes into the canvas. (Although taller wrestlers performing the maneuver often will flip the person over completely.)

The move was popularized in the US in the mid-90s by Louie Spicolli in ECW, although it likely was already being used in Japan.

"It almost looked like the Brooklyn Brawler had the match won, but Tommy Dreamer hit him with the Death Valley Driver, knocking him out cold."

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Death valley - what does it mean?

Along with Cyclone, one half of the greatest tag team in Bayou Lacombe's WWF history, Desert Storm, and part of "The Greatest Match Never Seen"

Death Valley has just defeated Hardcore Adam for the second time in their historic rivalry, proving without a shadow of a doubt, that he is indeed "The Man."

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Death valley - meaning

After fucking your girl on her period, the penis is removed and placed between her Grand Tetons creating a murder scene between her tits.

Girl: hey babe, I’m on my period. Want to go to Death Valley?

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Death valley - definition

A place in California where the highest temperature in the world was recorded at 134*F.

Death Valley makes California awesome!!!

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Death valley - slang

A deadly place where wussus are slain by the syth of despair, where dragons with 5 foot talons roam the land.
the natives eat rocks and hot lava for breakfast.
black people cannot exist for there lack of everything
loose boxes are not permitted ie.feels like throwing a suasage down a hallway.

if you say something dumb you are instantly evaporated by the death valley watchdog.

hey mate i was in death valley today and a teradactal ripped my arms off, but it grew bak i love it when that happens

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Death valley

Noun. To insert one's labia, by force, into an awaiting mouth. The female corollary of the teabag.

I was just sitting there, and yada yada yada... death valley. A river does run through it.

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Death valley

the hairy area between your thighs and balls, that smells like shit (even if you showered) and usually gets uncomfortably warm the quickest out of any body part

guy 1: dude, mark smells like fucking cow anus!
guy 2: bro he just showered, he probably needs to shave death’s valley
guy 1: whats death valley?
guy 2: death valley is that area between your thighs and balls that always smells like ass

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Death valley

enormous structure in which 90,000 humans gather in fellowship to cheer on the Tigers; known to be one of the toughest places to play football in the south, as well as one of the loudest, even reaching up to 124 dB, or as loud as a 747 airplane.

Death Valley, where the most exciting 25 seconds of college football is.

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