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What is daventry?

Aka Chaventry,
A small town off of Northampton full of "chavs", old people and jailbait.

Landmarks include the square (a nightclub renowned for someone shitting up the walls - literally!), mcdonalds (full of fit crew members and cool boy racers on drive thru) and ten thousand unwanted hairdressers and petrol stations!
The key features of Daventry are dog walkers, parks and an excessively large amount of hills.

If you can manage to survive not getting mugged in Southbrook or stabbed outside Fridays you'll love Daventry and its wide population of benefit claiming failures.

Guy 1: I got mugged last night by a group of jailbait chavs.
Guy 2: Really? Where were you, Daventry!?

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Daventry - what is it?

A market town located in the heart of England. Commonly referred to as "a shithole", Daventry is a thriving community of drug dealers, prostitutes and Brexiteers. As one enters the town centre, you can grasp a feel of the local architecture, as you see the never used icon building, in to which all of our funding went, hence why we are destitute. As of recent times, a cinema is being built, which will never open its doors, yet the people of Daventry still continue to fund it. The local Tesco is a place of true culture, as one gets the full Daventry experience upon arrival, having to walk through pregnant teens and coke heads to even make it into the front door. A hotspot for travellers, Daventry has managed to turn itself into the UK's biggest campsite. McDonald's, located south of Tesco, gives a whole new meaning to the term "arse"- as that is how most would describe the smell of the workers, as well as the taste of the food. Despite the local delicacy being drugs, there are plenty of amazing local takeaways - including a run-down pizza place, as well as a Chinese takeout that specialises in food poisoning and sadness. The most famous landmark within the quaint town is known as Borough Hill, and its greatest claim to fame is it did some shit in the second world war. Honestly, we're not happy, we live in hell, but please come to Daventry. You will really love our excessive amounts of pointless charity shops and hairdressers, and the local dealers will accept you right away.

"Oh my god, we can go to Daventry!"
"Wow, that sounds awesome! I love absolute crap heaps!"

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