Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dark Meat?

When two black guys fuck a white girl at the same time, similar to a blonde sandwich.

Black guy in the front
White girl
Black guy in the back.

Last night dude, we gave this girl a dark meat sandwich. She was enjoying it for hours!

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dark Meat - video


Dark Meat - what is it?

When a rather well hung black fellow conceals his penis in a silver dinner platters and exhibits it to an unsuspecting victim.

Officer: What happened here?
Victim: He dark meat plattered me.....

👍33 👎13

What does "dark Meat" mean?

gambling losses. the amount of money you are down. usually used in association with poker.

"Damn i'm down 200 into the dark meat. Jodeezy's probably gonna be getting lap dances on me tonight."

👍53 👎65

Dark Meat - what does it mean?

This refers to the areola of the nipple or the darker area of the breast.

When Denise got out of the pool, she didn't realize her bikini top wasn't on straight and some of her dark meat was showing.

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Dark Meat - meaning

dark brownish-colored private parts (labia, nipples, areolas) appearing on women who are otherwise not "of color."

i really like it when a lighter skinned girl turns out to be packin' some dark meat under her clothes.

👍145 👎93

Dark Meat - definition

The private part's of a black person's body penis vagina breasts nipples!

Craig : So did you fuck the shit out of Kiersten again last night?
Chad : No I found something better I was checking out at Walmart and met Natasha she was about to get off work so I gave her a ride home she invited me in and started sucking my cock the next thing you know I was fucking the shit out of her it was amazing I think my dick shot clear through to her butt hole I'm telling you man Dark Meat is the way to go!
Craig Nice can I have her phone number?
Chad : Fuck You go find your own Dark Meat!

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Dark Meat - slang

A black woman or man's body. Usually referring to it in a sexual nature, and usually used when talking about his or her private parts, i.e. pussy or dick

Hey baby, do you want some of this dark meat?

John, do you like dark meat?

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