Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cybernation?

When someone swears off social networking sites such as facebook or myspace for an extended period of time only to come crawling out of their cave by the following season. Usually done in cases of bad breakups on facebook, bragging rights for self-righteousness amongst friends, or a neighbor putting a password on their wireless internet connection. Can be used in verb form as cybernate (ing.)

I've been on facebook too much lately, maybe I should go into cybernation.

👍43 👎29

cybernation - video


Cybernation - what is it?

To hide in your room and immerse yourself in your computer device...

e.g Where is Ashleigh? Ohhh she's gone to cybernate!

👍31 👎13

What does "cybernation" mean?

when somebody is usually online all the time, due to a hardline, constant internet source, and then disappears for more than forty eight hours without a trace

guy 1: "dude, i didn't see you online this weekend. where were you?"
guy 2: "sorry bro, i was cybernating"

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Cybernation - what does it mean?

Human form of hibernation. Where a person ends all social contact with other people in the name of the internet.

"Is Lewis coming out tonight?"..."no he's gone into cybernation"

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Cybernation - meaning

A fun browser-based strategy game in which you fight wars against other nations and join alliances. Moderator bias makes it impossible to fight against some of the larger alliances because the mods just delete enemy nations because the internet is serious business.

Person 1: Hey man, how's your nation in Cybernations?

Person 2: SwordOfEstel deleted it because I refused to trade with her nation "Pope Hope".

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Cybernation - definition

A fun game that brings out the inner nerd in us all, however it is plauged by crooked moderators that feel as though 40,000 participants is a large number on the World-Wide-Web and so ban people from the site for ridiculous reasons including refering to the game as a "game" and for using smilies on the forums or fighting an alliance the moderators like.

Michael: Dude you check your cybernations yet?

Connor:Nah I got banned for signing on from a different IP address.

Michael:Did you send an appeal?

Connor: Yeah but it was improperly capitalized so I was denied.

Michael:Well at least you got your life back now.

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Cybernation - slang

Literally the dumbest game I've ever played. It's like Mafia Wars on crack except most of the people who play care A LOT. It takes literally less than a minute to play per day and 99.999% of what you do is play with your balls. However, like anything, in life no matter how dull the situation, there are lulz to be had. Most of your enjoyment if you don't have a social disorder will be pissing off the people who care WAY too much about their pixels and bring morality of all things into a spreadsheet game. Anyway, I've been playing for over a year now and as long as you look at it in the right way and join an alliance that doesn't care about the poor little defenseless nations being tech raided and....GASP losing their pixels, you'll have fun.

Guy 1 "I Play Cybernations"

Guy 2 "Awe man that sounds cool"

Guy 1 "Not really"

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To stay in your room all the while and do nothing but play Xbox and wank profusely over Internet porn.

"Dude, your right arm is like double the size of your left! You should get out more instead of cybernate all the time!"

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Cybernality is an individual persons online social networking image. It is the virtual extension of a person, how they present themselves to the world via the internet.

Her facebook page presents a different cybernality to the world.

👍41 👎11


To take random extended absences from all you social networking sites and/or computer in general. This may be due to sex, relationships, drug use, and or laziness.

drugs relationships sex

"hey why didnt you come last night, i sent you a message about the party?"

"oh sorry, im cybernating"

"man everyone online is giving me shit"
"maybe you should cybernate till this is all over"

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