Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cwigger?

A white Christian (usually a woman) person.

Person 1: Do you see that lady?
Person 2: Yeah,she’s such a cwigger
Person 1:Yeah she’s probably going to church right nowπŸ˜‚

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cwigger - video


Cwigger - what is it?

a dynamic combination of a country boy and a wigger. noun.

A cwigger can be found in areas with a large mix of country boys and blacks. A wigger is commonly described as a white man who believes he possesses the qualities of a black man. A country boy is a boy usually raised in a southern stated form.

A cwigger will commonly wear "bling bling" to symbolize a sort of stature monetarily. He will commonly drive a truck, or a "bubble" (or something similar), with rims on the tires. His choice of clothing could be called eccentric to some. A cwigger will commonly wear something from a rebel flag t-shirt to a FUBU or Sean John t-shirt. Predictably, he will be wearing his pants below his butt, to about his knees, with simple cotton boxers visible for anyone who wishes to see. On a rebellious day, one may even attempt to pull off a matching track suit. His shoes could be anything from a low top Nike to a high top Air Jordan. Cowboy boots are not usually thrown into the mix. On his head, a cwigger will commonly wear a bandana with a baseball cap or cowboy hat.

These boys are no fools. They have managed to possess the qualities of a country boy (which is usually a soft spot for the ladies) with the swagger of a gangsta (and we know nobody messes with gangstas). They will win the charm of mothers with their sweet gestures and southern charm, but also be able to pull out a 22 Caliber, or even a 26" Rifle, when the time calls.

Kid Rock possibly fits the mold of a cwigger best. Bubba Sparxxx is also a very good example. The best cwiggers are ones who are usually not famous and found in communities in the southern states of the Unites States.

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